Neutrals and clean lines in an old building

Neutrals and clean lines in an old building - via cocolapinedesign.comNeutrals and clean lines in an old building - via cocolapinedesign.comNeutrals and clean lines in an old building - via cocolapinedesign.comNeutrals and clean lines in an old building - via cocolapinedesign.comNeutrals and clean lines in an old building - via cocolapinedesign.comNeutrals and clean lines in an old building - via cocolapinedesign.comNeutrals and clean lines in old an building - via cocolapinedesign.comNeutrals and clean lines in an old building - via cocolapinedesign.comNeutrals and clean lines in an old building - via cocolapinedesign.comLately I have been drawn to the combination of modern furniture and clean lines with graphics and textures in an old building. There is something about the old hardwood floors, the high ceilings and the big windows that make everything just look so much better. I would love to live in old building again one day.

De laatste tijd ben ik erg aangetrokken tot de combinatie van moderne meubelen, strakke lijnen, prints en texturen in oude gebouwen. Er is iets met de oude houten vloeren, de hoge plafonds en de grote ramen dat alles er zoveel beter doet uitzien. Ik zou graag ooit terug in een oud gebouw wonen.

via Stadshem


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