Fitting a family of four in a one-bedroom apartment is quite a challenge, but if you are a little bit creative with the layout and create custom solutions just like this family did, it actually looks quite comfortable. The living room and kitchen have a black-and-white contrasting palette and the white walls make this apartment look more spacious.
It’s optimal to have a bedroom for each person, but if you live in the city for example, where rents are skyrocketing, this is not always possible. The bedroom in this flat functions as a kid room, master bedroom, and office at the same time, all while still looking spacious and stylish.
The double bed has been separated from the rest of the room by a custom solution with closed storage space on the bottom and a glass partition on the top to let in the natural light coming from the windows. The bed is made with a simple white duvet cover* that stands out against the grey paint on the wall, which creates the illusion of a headboard.
On the other side of the glass partition, the kids have their bunk bed, which is a DIY project out of Ikea Stuva (not currently in their collection anymore, they introduced Smastad instead) for storage on the bottom and a contrasting black ladder that matches the overall palette of the room. The home office area in front of the window is placed on a small area rug, which visually separates this area from the rest of the room.
Photographed by Jonas Berg for Stadshem