Swedish musician Måns Zelmerlöw’s home was feautured on Residence magazine and I just love every little corner of it. The dark tones, combined with high end materials and designer furniture mixed with beautiful artwork create a great home with character and style.
Styling by Hanna Wessman, photography by Andy Liffner For Residence Magazine
Last week I told you all about my collaboration with Bosch Smart Home to make our home safer and to add a sense of security while we are not at home. Another great feature though of these integrated smart devices is that they can help you make your home more comfortable.
We installed the Twinguard Smoke Detector in our bedroom. Other then the expected functionality of warning for a potential fire, it also measures the air quality and temperature of a space. On the Twinguard app, we can check the air purity, humidity and temperature which I find important in the bedroom especially.
Since we live in an old building, there is no central thermostat that allows us to keep the entire apartment on a constant temperature. We’ve installed the Heating starter kit on our heaters directly and now I can set a constant temperature on every heater so that I don’t have to keep turning the knobs all the time to adjust. I can easily control the heat in every room individually from the Smart Home App and program the temperature to go down while we are travelling or during the night. In the bathroom, where we frequently have the window open to reduce humidity, we installed both a thermostat and a Door/Window Contact and programmed it so that every time the window is open, the heater will be turned off automatically to save energy. You can also use the contact on the front door for example, to warn for a potential burglary.
We have been trying out the Bosch Smart Home system for a few weeks in our home now and love the multifunctional purposes for the different devices. In our bedroom for example, we have the thermostat to manage the temperature, the Twinguard smoke detector to warn us in case of danger and to manage the air quality and we have smart plugs that control the different light sources. All of them can be managed from within the Bosch Smart Home app, but I also have the Flex Universal Switch next to my bed, which I programmed and personalised into the ‘go to sleep’ mode as I like to call it. When I press the battery powered switch, all lights connected to the smart plugs will switch off, and the temperature will go down to one that’s comfortable while sleeping. No need to get out of bed anymore. We installed a Universal switch at our front door as well, which we programmed to turn off all lights, turn on the Camera and lower the temperature to save energy.
If you would like to know more about the Bosch Smart Home products and everything you can do to make your home safe, comfortable and smart, you can visit the Bosch Smart Home page.
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To prepare for the coming year, I’m giving you and your friend a chance to win a ‘Make it Count’ Calendar 2018 this week over on my Instagram. All you have to do is comment on this Instagram picture and tag a friend you would like to win a Calendar with you. Winners will be announced on Sunday. Good Luck !
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I’m very much amazed by the work of Skalso Architects in this beautiful Swedish home. One area of the house has been covered in wood for a light cabin-like look and feel, while the other side has been painted in a very dark grey. The contrast between both areas of the space looks amazing.
The painted hallway and bedroom are very nice as well, amazing what paint can do to a home. The built-in wardrobe above the bed in the bedroom looks truly amazing and provides an integrated bookshelf on either bedside in the niche space in between the wardrobe. If you are looking for more inspiration on built-in wardrobes above a bed, make sure to have a look at this post as well.
I finally started to add some small Christmas details to our home. I’m not such a big fan of over the top decor, but love some hints of Christmas. The Snowy Tree print is so perfect for this season and by adding a wreath to our living room this creates an instant winter setting.
The floor, walls, ceilings, curtains and almost all of the furniture in this home are white. This could easily look very clinical, but by adding some vintage pieces like the cupboard in the living room, the chair in the bedroom and the kitchen table, all this white is dimmed and the flat gets an inviting atmosphere.
This styling in green looks very fresh, dramatic, and cozy at the same time. The deep green color of the walls has a very dramatic effect and is a bold choice and a safe option only if you have a lot of daylight coming into your bedroom.
The dark green walls are combined with deep green textiles and black accents that darken the color palette even more. If you compare this with the bedroom in this apartment for example, with a sage green color on the wall combined with warm woods and white textiles, you can clearly see the effect a wall color and some textiles can have on the overall atmosphere of the room.
When you have a small bedroom, storage can be a little bit of a challenge, which is why I like these built in storage solutions so much. They surround the bed, which makes it more cozy to sleep and if you add a bookshelf in the middle like in the last example, you have a place to add some decorations as well.
Usually I talk about design and interior inspiration here on the blog and when I show pictures of our home it’s usually of how I updated our apartment in a way that makes it feel cozy and personal. Feeling at home has a lot to do with character you give to a space and with the way you make a place your own. It has to do with the pieces of furniture you feel fit your style but a good home makes you feel safe as well. Safety is probably one of the most important factors in a home. When you don’t feel safe, nothing else really matters in my opinion. So when Bosch Smart Home asked me if I wanted to try out some of their Smart Home products I immediately got excited.
We are trying out the 360° Indoorcamera for a week now and I can truly say that it ads an extra level of security when leaving the house. When the camera is switched on (which you can conveniently do from the Bosch Smart Camera app) it will detect any motion and will send a notification to our phones. When we receive a notification we can check wether it’s our cleaning aid or if it’s really something we need to worry about. The camera has an elegant and minimal design and the lens will go down into the cover whenever the camera is turned off.
While we are travelling for longer periods of time it will really give me a good feeling if I can check upon the house every once in a while. For pet owners it can be nice to check on their pets while they are at work. You can even talk to your pet via a built in intercom when necessary. There is an outdoor version of the camera as well, which can be used to check out the front door when you are home alone for example.
While we are gone in the evening, or while travelling, we can also turn on the mood lights in our home with the Smart plugs. Just like the camera, the plugs can be turned on via the app, which is a nice feature even while at home. When we will be travelling for longer though, we will just set them up to turn on and off at a certain time so that it will seam like we someone is home.
If you would like to know more about the Bosch Smart Home products and everything you can do to make your home safe and smart, you can visit the Bosch smart home page.
A beautiful dark corner styled by Pella Hedeby for Elle Decoration. I like how the picture frame and white light fixture stand out against this dark wall and love the vintage table used as a desk.