Author Archives: cocolapine

Paeonia Officinalis giveaway


Paeonia Officinalis giveaway - Coco Lapine Design blogPaeonia Officinalis giveaway - Coco Lapine Design blog

This week you can win a Paeonia Officinalis print on my Instagram for you and your friend. All you have to is comment on the giveaway picture on my Instagram and tag a friend you would like to win the print with you. Winners will be announced on Sunday afternoon. Good luck !

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Cozy apartment with black wing doors


Cozy apartment with black wing doors - via Coco Lapine Design blogCozy apartment with black wing doors - via Coco Lapine Design blogCozy apartment with black wing doors - via Coco Lapine Design blogCozy apartment with black wing doors - via Coco Lapine Design blogCozy apartment with black wing doors - via Coco Lapine Design blogCozy apartment with black wing doors - via Coco Lapine Design blogCozy apartment with black wing doors - via Coco Lapine Design blogCozy apartment with black wing doors - via Coco Lapine Design blogCozy apartment with black wing doors - via Coco Lapine Design blogCozy apartment with black wing doors - via Coco Lapine Design blogCozy apartment with black wing doors - via Coco Lapine Design blogCozy apartment with black wing doors - via Coco Lapine Design blog

This cozy home with beige walls has beautiful wing doors that are painted in black which gives a very dramatic effect. The rest of the interior is very soft looking with a combination of natural materials and fabrics. I like the natural stone countertop in the kitchen as well, which looks very nice combined with the brass tap and accessories.

via Alvhem

Posted in Interior Inspiration | 3 Comments

Nobis Hotel Copenhagen


Nobis Hotel Copenhagen - via Coco Lapine Design blogNobis Hotel Copenhagen - via Coco Lapine Design blogNobis Hotel Copenhagen - via Coco Lapine Design blog Nobis Hotel Copenhagen - via Coco Lapine Design blog Nobis_suite4 Nobis Hotel Copenhagen - via Coco Lapine Design blog

After the success story of the Nobis hotel in Stockholm, there is a new Nobis Copenhagen now as well and it looks absolutely amazing. The bathrooms are a marble heaven and the rooms are a combination of petrol blue with oak wooden flooring, which is a wonderful combination. Would love to spend some time in this hotel for sure.

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Cozy and soft bedroom look with Connox


Cozy and soft bedroom look with Connox - via Coco Lapine Design blogCozy and soft bedroom look with Connox - via Coco Lapine Design blogCozy and soft bedroom look with Connox - via Coco Lapine Design blogCozy and soft bedroom look with Connox - via Coco Lapine Design blogEven though we have been having really mild autumn weather here in Munich for the last few days, I’m totally in the autumn mood now and am making slight changes to our interior for the winter months to come.

I teamed up with Connox (you can see my previous collaboration with them in our living room here if you hadn’t seen it) to make our bedroom cozy and ready for winter. Especially in the colder months I find it very important that a bedroom looks and feels warm and has soft textures. The Vita Eos Lamp with all its feathers really is the center piece here at the moment and the feathers – which are attached by hand – give a nice indirect light to the room.

The Skagerak George stool and mirror add a natural touch with their oak structure and I’m in love with this stool as a bedside table. The fabric and the oak of the stool combine so nicely and I like the simplicity of the design. To make the bedroom winter proof, different textiles are a must as well so I combined the HAY bed spread together with an assortment of pillows.

The final touch to every room for me are plants of course. They give the interior some color and life and they are great to filter the air while you are sleeping. The small Ferm living plant box fits perfectly in our window and can hold a combination of plants and other things.

To get the look, here you can find a detailed listing of all the Connox products I used in our bedroom:  Skagerak Georg MirrorLyngby Porcelain plant potVita Eos LampFerm Living plant boxDesign House Stockholm Knot pillow –  Fritz Hansen Vertigo pillowSkagerak Edge VaseSkagerak Georg StoolHAY Crinkle bed cover 

Connox is giving all Coco Lapine readers a 10% discount with code cocolapineXconnox until Sunday if you are interested.

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Midnatt - via Coco Lapine Design blogMidnatt - via Coco Lapine Design blog Midnatt - via Coco Lapine Design blog Midnatt - via Coco Lapine Design blog

Midnatt is a ne Swedish brand that makes bedding for children and adults in crisp, organic cotton. The images of their collection are amazing and make you think about a wonderful lazy Sunday in bed.

Photography by Mikael Lundblad

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Bedroom storage


Bedroom storage - via Coco Lapine Design blog Bedroom storage - via Coco Lapine Design blog

I have seen many of these smart storage solutions lately, where cabinets are built around the bed. I think this is a great way of saving space. At the same time, a cozy nook is created for  sleeping.

via Bosthlm

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