Author Archives: cocolapine

New from Superfront


New from Superfront - via Coco Lapine Design blogNew from Superfront - via Coco Lapine Design blogNew from Superfront - via Coco Lapine Design blog

Superfront released a new design of fronts called Delirium with playful and graphic lines designed by Klas Ernflo. I like the new look of the fronts.

Found via Inredningshjalpen

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Beautiful and cozy home in grey


Beautiful and cozy home in grey - via Coco Lapine Design blogBeautiful and cozy home in grey - via Coco Lapine Design blogBeautiful and cozy home in grey - via Coco Lapine Design blogBeautiful and cozy home in grey - via Coco Lapine Design blogBeautiful and cozy home in grey - via Coco Lapine Design blogBeautiful and cozy home in grey - via Coco Lapine Design blogBeautiful and cozy home in grey - via Coco Lapine Design blogBeautiful and cozy home in grey - via Coco Lapine Design blogBeautiful and cozy home in grey - via Coco Lapine Design blogBeautiful and cozy home in grey - via Coco Lapine Design blogBeautiful and cozy home in grey - via Coco Lapine Design blogBeautiful and cozy home in grey - via Coco Lapine Design blog

I think this home in grey has a very soft, cozy and inviting look. In the living room a darker grey is combined with white and brown leather chairs while as in the bedroom a slightly lighter grey with a warm tint is used. At least that’s what it seems to be to me, it could be the same paint that looks different with the light as well.

via Alvhem

Posted in Interior Inspiration | 6 Comments

Oslo Design Fair


Oslo Design Fair - via Coco Lapine Design BlogOslo Design Fair - via Coco Lapine Design BlogOslo Design Fair - via Coco Lapine Design BlogOslo Design Fair - via Coco Lapine Design Blog Oslo Design Fair - via Coco Lapine Design Blog

These beautiful images were released for the announcement of Oslo Design Fair. Just like in the images, the fair will be focused on old and new design meeting each other and I’m considering taking a look there myself in the end of August.

Styling by Kirsten Visdal, photographed by Margaret M. de Lange

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